Friday, May 1


Some blog that I read in the last couple of days set me to thinking. He was writing about the take-over of AWARE by a bunch of non-lesbian non-man hating and probably not-so-feminazi women. He didn't like the idea, and was defending the old regimes practice of using access to school counselling to deliver pro-lesbian propaganda to young girls; something along the lines that female homosexuality wouldn't get them pregnant so it was alright.

He then went on to state that he was going to cancel his credit card because the leader of this coup worked at that bank and he asked his readers to do the same, and to inform the bank of the why. Presumably the result of this is to render the woman unemployed.

So, if someone reading your blog that happens to a) disagree with your pro-lesbian feminazi stance and happened to b) work at one of your employer's larger clients took it upon himself or herself to suggest that their company should withdraw its support from your employer and when explaining the why to your employer stated that it was because you were trying to turn their daughters into lesbians, what would the consequences be?

Long shot maybe, but these things have a habit of coming back to bite you.

On a totally different note;
Today is the First of May; this is the month of decision. This is the final month my PEP will be valid without working, so if I don't find a job in the next three weeks it will be goodbye to Singapore.

Yes, I will have to leave Singers and its constant stream of job offers pitched at around one third of what I get in Australia. And no, I am not going to take one of them just to remain here until I find something decent.

Lesson learnt: don't go somewhere and then try to find work, keep working where you are whilst trying to get a job where you want to go.

Except that I tried that before; I came to Singers and visited the agencies whilst I was here but then never heard from them when I went back to Oz. Same as I haven't heard much from them this time 'round.

Yes, it's sad, but life must go on.

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