Monday, July 27


It was Avcon this weekend; Adelaide's Anime (and Manga) and Video (gaming) Convention. For the first time not held at Adelaide Uni, but at the Adelaide Convention Centre. A rather suitable place to hold a convention you might think.

Personally I am glad that it has finally moved out of the student union building; it is a sign of maturity. I have been saying for as long as it has been around that it shouldn't be there. I just don't like the 'kiddies' image it gives it.

Having said that, I didn't really enjoy myself. Not enough anime. There used to be six to eight anime screening rooms, now there were two, and one of those held other things as well. It was good that there was a lot more gaming. And the merchandising was handled, and placed, well. But a major reduction in anime and only two anime discussion rooms as well. So mostly it was a case of paying to get in to shop for me. Which doesn't make sense. But there just wasn't enough other stuff to justify the entry price in my view.

There did not seem to be as many people in costumes as previously. Lolitas and sailor schoolgirl uniforms excepted, 'cos there were enormous masses of those. And a jolly good thing too; can you name anything else so sweet, cute, and sexy? And any girl that enjoys dressing in lolita is not going to turn into a feminist bitch, is she? So bring it on!

Other than that nothing much has happened this week. I haven't started work yet, the promised contract is lagging, but I have an interview for another one on Tuesday. The Australian Labor Party can't seem to get to grips with labour, as in the unemployment problem; especially bad for them, on one hand they can't seem to successfully reduce unemployment, on the other they can't reduce the benefits that people get in this country for doing nothing. Tight spot to be in.

Don't know if Rudd has introduced his 60% tax rate yet, or if it will be brought in next financial year. I get my desktop computer back this week and then I will do my tax and find out. Imagine just how loyal you will feel to your country if it demands to take most of your money away. One thing you can always count on the Labor Party for; they will always punish the hard-working and the successful for being hard-working and successful. So, against this backdrop, how many will choose to vote with their feet? You know that I will as soon as I get the next chance.

So weird that Singapore turned out to pay less than half what I get in Australia. I think that I will make the move next time as a functioning business, and not as an individual looking for employment. But Singapore or Hong Kong? We shall see.

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