Friday, November 28

A Day of Firsts

Well, a couple anyhow.

So this is the first time I am using Firefox in SG to do this. I used it in Oz, but have used IE here up to now. That is a pretty weak first, I know, but it is only there to kind of fill out the list.

I logged on to my Adult Friend Finder account, first time in a while, but that is not the 'first' for this. I had two winks, okay, one was a wink and hug. Both from here in SG, one was from a two-girl profile. I have had a few winks or messages before, but mostly they have been from Nigeria, or women in their 40s from China, or young girls from Thailand or the Philippines with shots of them naked in their profiles (I kind of shy away from women that have exhibited themselves to the whole world). So this was a first, well two firsts. And then I replied; another first. Whilst I was at it I did a search and also looked up some usernames whose profiles I have looked at before (back in Oz) and liked, and messaged a few of them. Another first.

I don't really like being 'winked', I have a gold account and have paid for standard members to be able to mail me, and say so in my profile. So I would rather something more informative than a 'wink', but there you go.

I had a 700ml tub of icecream (chocolate ripple) for lunch. Meaningless as that is, it is still another first. My tum has been rumbling ever since. I would have preferred to have stopped half way or sooner, but the baby freezer compartment in the baby fridge in my baby apartment only keeps cool, not frozen.

I tried to check the status of my PEP application online. According to the website the MOM processes these in two weeks or less. According to the receipt and the website you can check the status of your application online. This is not exactly true; you can check the status online if you already have an SG ID number, which naturally I don't. So I phoned. Finding a number to call on the website took about eight screens as well. But it ends with good news; the application was approved, on the 26th, so two weeks on the dot, but the paper work may take up to a week to get to me. I need that letter before I can take my passport in to get the pass and return visa stamped in it. I guess this is a first; after all it is the first time that I am allowed to work in another country, it is the first step in leaving Australia. All that aside, it was damned good news to hear. Naturally, given my history with the Australian Public Service I was expecting problems, but no, a straight clear approval.

My right testicle is swollen and sore as hell. It being swollen is a first, I am assuming that I squashed it wearing jeans yesterday. I will wait and see how it is tomorrow before getting a medical opinion; if it doesn't go down then it may be something else, but I'm betting not, I can be pretty rough with those parts of my anatomy at times.

I guess with the PEP approved that I will book return flights back to Adelaide for the Xmas & New Year period. I know that I said I wouldn't do that until I had a job, but I was expecting it to cost a lot more, I webbed it the other day and apparently can do for less than a thousand ($700-ish plus taxes = $850-ish), booking from Australia all you can get is about $800 + about $600 in taxes = $1,400 at best, usually closer to $2,000.

It will be interesting to see if that italic works, I entered it fully manually because CTRL + I gives a huge line of span (i.e. open 'span' in pointy brackets then a long line of code saying font in emphasis then close span in pointy brackets). Blogger in Firefox did not use to do that. And so continues my frustration with's handling of emphasis coding. And yes, I know that there is no non-possessive apostrophe in that, but if I didn't put it there then most people would get totally confused, wouldn't they?

Now why did I get a gold account at AFF? Yes? No?
If 'no' then you can skip this bit.
Back in the days when I first started looking online for someone to share my life with. The first thing was a couple of accounts in Oz to find a local girl - only one came of that and she was too much head trouble to take beyond three conversations. AFF is global, though, so this account lasted longer than the others. Yes, it got put on the back burner whilst I moved on to Russian girls. That went nowhere, half of them were straight out to rip money off guys, half of the remainder were not serious, they just wanted to be taken out to fancy restaurants (a meal out costs them weeks pay), the others turned out to provide their own share of cultural issues. All this time the AFF account stayed alive but unused (free!!), then when I started to think about going to Singapore I actually paid for it to be upgraded into something that can message both ways. Runs out in March 2009 and I'll let it die then. I had kind of forgotten it once I actually got here, was hoping that it might be good for a couple of contacts before I arrived, once here I got busy on other things. I am surprised that it seems to have suddenly come to life. We shall see if I will decide to forget about it again, or if it delivers a living breathing woman.

Here's an interesting addendum; in Firefox I get red underline on spelling errors and correction options.

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