Saturday, November 29

Don't get me started!

O oh - too late!

This from this mornings Nine MSN:

Sex spells trouble, says Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lama, the exiled Tibetan spiritual and temporal leader, on Friday said sex spelt fleeting satisfaction and trouble later, while chastity offered a better life and "more freedom".

"Sexual pressure, sexual desire, actually I think is short period satisfaction and often, that leads to more complication," the Dalai Lama told reporters in a Lagos hotel, speaking in English without a translator.

He said conjugal life caused "too much ups and downs".

"Naturally as a human being ... some kind of desire for sex comes, but then you use human intelligence to make comprehension that those couples always full of trouble. And in some cases there is suicide, murder cases," the Dalai Lama said.

He said the "consolation" in celibacy is that although "we miss something, but at the same time, compare whole life, it's better, more independence, more freedom."

And if we all follow his stupid advice then the species will be extinct.

At the best of times I have little time for the exiled leader of the planets most blood-thirsty and oppressive theocratic dictatorship. Where new-born twins were considered evil and immediately sacrificed to Buddha, where people were sacrificed under the cornerstones of Buddhist temples, where new Buddha statues were anointed with human blood, where Buddhist priests took young boys as their sex toys, where the peasants lived under the harsh whips of their monkish overlords. Small surprise that most of the country does not support him and that half of Tibet welcomed the Chinese as liberators.

All very easy for him to pretend to be a paragon of purity now, to pretend that the regime he lead was 'spiritual', to whisper pretty words into the ears of dumb Westerners.

I acknowledge that celibacy can be an important tool in a person's spiritual growth. But it is also an important tool in the emotional manipulation of the ignorant. And I fear that its use is more the latter here.

For example; the stupid and totally red herring statement that "in some cases there is suicide", well dufuss, there is that with celibacy as well.

I have lived in a few monasteries of a couple of different religions, and I am firmly of the belief that the majority of people that seek the 'spiritual' life are emotional retards escaping from the real world. God, the nonsense that I found inside Christian monasteries! And to me Buddhism is another unnatural religion, not too different from Catholicism. We grow from life, the cycle of birth and rebirth is how we evolved; to seek to escape this cycle is to seek an end to growth. Yes, I know that at some point we do evolve beyond the physical, but a 'Nirvana' that is presented as a state of 'nothingness' to me smacks of spiritual suicide, and to encourage fellow humans to stop procreating is to seek species suicide.

So, to me this all sounds like the Dalai Lama again showing the world that he, like the Pope, serves the forces of evil.

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