Thursday, November 20

The Two of Cups, again!

Jaz and Iris just called by, txt me to go down, Iris just wanted me to have some stuff (a large bag) for Cheng and baby. Jaz didn't talk to me.

So, on one hand I have enough stuff to take back now to almost fill a suitcase.
On the other hand I am kind of confused about Jaz.

Being confused, thinking maybe this is not anything and I should stop wasting my time on it, I did another card reading.

I did three or four readings over the first few days I was in Singapore, they all said the same thing, very clearly and strongly that love was near future, new beginnings, and a settled happy ever-after. I got the Tower, upright, three times! Twice in the same final position! This has never happened before. So, thinking that I need the cards to be straight with me and not lead me on some garden path...

Two cards came out whilst I was shuffling, this often signifies a clear simple answer, life is stuffing a card right in your face and you can't avoid it. But two cards, simultaneously. Both upright, so now obfuscation, straight definitive interpretations. Both cups, so to do with emotions.

On the left, signifying the past, the four of cups, meaning dissatisfaction, unhappiness, incompleteness.
On the right, signifying the future, the two of cups, meaning new love, marriage, beginning of a relationship or venture.

I didn't bother doing a full reading after that.

So the cards continue to be more definitive on this than I have ever seen in my life, but Jaz doesn't talk to me, so I don't know what to do with her.

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