Wednesday, December 3

Baby, want to see me live on cam?

This is so funny following the last entry.

I had two winks on Adult Friend Finder recently, as mentioned in the entry before last, and I have had a couple of interactions with both since then. One just finished five minutes ago.

The first was bad English, African sounding type, elements of a form letter in it, and so obviously about to lead into a request for money. Came through the very next email; "I am stuck in Nigeria and need $561", really? I don't think so.

The second was, supposedly, this couple of 21 year old SG girls.
I don't think so.
So, she sent me an invite to add her contact to my msgr ("msn" as she called it), and we just opened a chat. She asked if I would like to see her naked on cam. Well, I was looking for a deep and meaningful relationship, but naked cam could be a decent consolation prize. So she directed me to some website and asked me to log in, which was going to require credit card details and automatically dock me $40 USD each month. "Not what I was looking for. Bye" and both deleted and blocked her in my contact list. During this time her contact pic changed from the beautiful young Eurasian with long hair and great tits to that of a somewhat average looking, short haired, not exactly thin, and definitely middle aged American.

What a total disappointment :(

All say "Ohhh".

(Aside; I hate how women prey upon mens unfulfilled sexuality. I have a very low opinion of prostitutes, as I also have of the men that frequent them.)

So, funny stories aside, what has happened recently?

Got my PEP yesterday. The 'green card' really is green :D
So, a five year work pass for Singapore, and I was told no need for re-entry visas with an Australian passport. Cool.

So todays task was to open a local bank account.
I had wanted to use Standard Chartered 'cos their boss was on TV last week saying that the financial 'crisis' hadn't affected their bank too much and he viewed it as a great opportunity. Just the sort of bright and happy sort of person that I can support in business! Yah!
Unfortunately it turns out that whilst they may be one of the biggest banks in the world Australia is not in their purview. An office in Sydney, but no branches anywhere; which is exactly the problem that I have been having with the National Australia Bank in Singapore.
So, the back up plan was HSBC since I know that they have branches in Adelaide 'cos a cute little (little? she was 26, but looked and behaved 16 {in Australian terms}) (Malaysian) Chinese girl that I (almost) fell in love with used them.

So now I am ready to receive payments.
The next step would be to get some payments...

No, really that is second priority, maybe do some talking to agencies, but I don't want to start until January 'cos I have to be back in Adelaide for Xmas so that kind of knocks half of December out. And December has already started!!!!!

I guess that I have to go Xmas shopping now...

I hate shopping soooo much!
Especially when it's not for toys.
And I have to think!! What does Mum want? What to get Noel? (Mum's husband {and yes, I just used a non-possessive apostrophe, but it's a possessive, get it?}) What to get my sister? My niece? My nephew? And maybe also my Father, his wife Proo, my brother Shane. 'Cos it will be too late to do any shopping when I get there.


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