Saturday, October 24


Separating my rants from my status updates...

My contract ends next week. To be specific it ends after a certain number of hours, which equates to a set budget; and I will work that out on Monday and report it to the management of the government department I am with at the moment.

I have been offered a short contract of a couple of weeks to cover someone being concentrated on a project. In the absence of anything else I will take it, though it will be a thirty percent rate cut. There is a government tender that is looking good, but it is always hard to tell, you don't even know how many other tenders there are, but if it comes off then it should equate to thirty to thirty five days of work over the next few months. And then there are a couple of possibilities looming for February.

The point of all of this is that life is looking quite precarious at the moment.

I am tempted to regret having left Singapore; I am of a mind to think that I should have taken one of those half dozen jobs offered to me at four or four and a half K a month. At least to keep me going until I got myself something more normal.

Ironic. The cards were telling me to wait one more month but I told myself that I had run out of time and money, and yet returning to Adelaide and setting up cost a packet. Maybe I should have stayed; at least I would have been happier. Maybe it is another one of those times when whatever I do is wrong, that somehow I rationalise myself into doing the worst thing possible.

I figure that one reason I had trouble getting taken seriously in SG is that it is so anal about pieces of paper. Here I can get a thousand a day 'cos everyone in this city knows that I can do what I do, but in Singers no-one would know me from jack. (Apart from the fact that most of the agencies I tried there have offices that know me here.) I have a comfortable income, I like it, I have no desire to take such a huge step down.

Once before I reasoned that the lack of an accounting masters was holding my career back, and so I started one. But I dropped out 'cos the delivery style ticked me off, the same as I dropped out of the business admin qual 'cos the stupid remarks written on my papers my wet post-grad students that had never had a real job pissed me off. But now I am pretty sure that the lack of those letters after my name was one of my problems with SG. So I am doing a diploma in project management (since most of my work is project contracts) and I am planning on starting another accounting masters in the new year. I am hoping that if I get in on the great contract that I know is going down then I will be able to work three or four days a week and study two days (and maybe another evening) and complete the degree in one year. If the plan works then I might do the same to finish of the MBA the year after. And CPA Australia has made a mutual recognition arrangement with CPA Singapore.

So that should all make a difference for the next time I try to make the great escape.

I keep planning on blogging about girls and shorts and pantyhose (it has to do with the oriental girls setting fashion trends here), but tonight's not the night either.

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