Tuesday, January 19

Second Worst?

I can't resist. Seriously, I can't.

So I am watching Fox News this morning.
I know; it's Yankee crap, but most of the cable channels in Oz are Yankee, the local ones (Sky News, Sky Business, APAC) are dull - for local news I go to the interactive channel and browse the stories, all done in ten minutes!

So I am watching the AMERICAN news, and most of them are full of Haiti, a sad event, but I know about it now so why keep on? CNN and Fox were both covering the Massachusetts (God! I am glad I don't have to say that every day!) election, one decidedly red, the other decidedly blue. Everything in the US is so partisan! Anyhow the Democrats might lose Ted Kennedy's seat, something incomprehensible to them. The stories move on to something a little more interesting - Obama's first year!

Now I am not aware of him having done anything of note, certainly he has failed quite a few things, and definitely he is out to turn the US into a Socialist demagoguery and make most yanks poor, but get this - one commentator said that his first year was the worst since William Henry Harrison, who died in his first year from pneumonia. Hey what? What about Abe Lincoln? Didn't he start a civil war in his first year?

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