Thursday, June 18

Pain and Pain

Today is my last day here. My flight leaves just before midnight. The flat is empty except for the mattress I am sitting on and my suitcase, packed, in the next room. I don't want to go so much that it hurts, but what can I do?

I also hurt from the Tietzer's; I ran out of aspirin and started using nurefen (spelling?) but it is nowhere near as good. I have just come back from getting more aspirin as well as some anti-inflammatory the chemist said was stronger - I have taken it but don't feel that it is as good as aspirin, so in an another hour or so I will take the aspirin anyhow. It is Bayer, not as good as dispirin in my experience, but they don't have the good stuff here. Also found a net caf to print out my flight and hotel bookings.

Nothing much else to say; I hurt, and I hurt.

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