Monday, October 27

Sleeping In

8:30 before I am up. This is not the first day either; my neighbours in the apartment on the northern side are noisy until about one in the morning and then the neighbours on the southern side were noisy last night from about four in the morning. There is no peace and quiet until after the time at which I want to be up and out!

Looking out my window last night at four in the morning watching the men cleaning up after the flea market, which has been producing humungous amounts of rubbish the last week, I was struck by the thought that these sellers are probably not paying taxes on their cash businesses and I doubt that they are paying fees for placing these makeshift transient 'stalls'. And then they leave an incredible amount of rubbish behind which is cleaned up at the expense of honest rate- and tax- paying people. Not only do 'real' shop owners pay rates and taxes, they also keep their shops clean! Only someone on a freebie will leave so much rubbish behind. So I ask; why does the government permit this to continue? Given that they are spending so much on cleaning after every days flea market (sometimes six men for an hour, sometimes two men for a few hours) they must be aware of both the existence of this non-legitimate market and the cost it puts on legitimate citizens. I have no problem with the continuance of these flea markets, so long as they pay for their effect on the rest of us.

I have noticed that I am blogging much less now that I am in SG than I was in the few weeks leading up to coming here. In a way I have more things on my plate so it is understandable that the less important ones might fall off occasionally. But still, it intrigues me. At the prompting of a friend I have put up photos on my Flickr site (locked to friends and family only) and have put up pictures from four or five days worth of treks - don't think that a huge amount though, I am pushing it to take more than six pictures on a three hour long walk. But I feel that I have been more 'diligent' in this than in blogging.

I wonder if italics is working again?
Doesn't appear to be from this end, it will be interesting to see what that looks like when it is published - I am betting that I get a 'do not publish html' message. Funny, it worked without any problems up to a week or so ago, now CTRL + i just puts cat vomit in my post. Trying to publish now.

No, didn't work, but didn't give me an error message either. I am assuming that since it put up an 'emphasis' and an 'end emphasis' html flag together rather than actually turning italics on and then off on the second CTRL + i that if I manually edit it then it might be good. Trying here and then publishing again now.

There, you see, granted that it is not working either properly or as it used to, but it can be made to work with some manual correction.

Went out with Ivy for dinner on Friday, she said that Jaz and Iris should be back either that day or the next (as in she said "today or tomorrow"), so I waited until end of yesterday (Sunday) and sent Jaz a txt, but no reply. So either was she not yet back from HK or has she gone cold on me?

I'm going to go shopping on Orchard today.

Hey look, just noticed as I viewed this post-publish (as opposed to using Word to spell check) that it is date stamping the post with South Australian time. I thought I changed my profile address to Singapore.
Nope, hadn't changed the time zone to Singapore, but have now.

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