Thursday, October 2

A Special Day

The shipping container is now down at my mum's!!!

Okay, there is still some room in it and there are still a few things that I would like to put into it, but time and inexperience in loading properly worked against this, and in the end it was just get the last stuff that HAD to go in and lock the door.

Yes, there are still about half a dozen boxes and the sound system (mostly a bunch of speakers) and two telescopes (that will get boxed as well) and the three drawer sets that go with my desk. But that's not really a big deal, they will all fit into my trailer and go down on Saturday or Sunday.

Final inspection and key return for this house on Tuesday late morning. She won't come Monday because it's a public holiday! Yeah, I get a holiday for my birthday, isn't that sweet of the government? So I have an extra day to get the place cleaned up, but four days is more than enough for a house that is basically clean and empty anyhow. And the cleaner is still coming tomorrow (Monday and Fridays have been her days).

The 'cleaner' is my ex, I did mention that a few posts back didn't I? It kind of works well, we get along okay and she knows me and my likes etc., doesn't mind folding my washing (undies and all) and if I ask her to do some shopping for me then she know what I eat.

With this step now done I feel a lot more at ease. I think that as long as it was here, even though it was full and the house nearly empty, I still felt some anxiety at not 'being out', but now I don't. The rest should be clear sailing.

Eight days to go.

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