Thursday, May 14

Bad Times

I have had a bad few days. Mostly due to my bank (the National Australia Bank), and the end of my stay in Singapore. Coincidentally as my stay comes to an end, and I run out of money, this bank has chosen to freeze my funds. I was $300 dollars overdrawn on my transaction account (which they gave me a pre-approved overdraft facility of $50,000 one year ago, but apparently never turned on), I had $500 in my savings account, and my credit account, which has a limit of $22,000 was drawn to about $3,500. So I didn't really see the issue. But they obviously did, and have been busy dishonouring a couple of automatic payments that hit my VISA card and charging me a $30 fee for the privilege each time.

So I transferred the $500 positive to the account with $300 negative, then transferred another $500 from my HSBC account to make sure, then paid $100 off the VISA 'cos I think that this is all due to me forgetting a couple of monthly minimum payments (in the order of $50 or $60).

These guys have been told repeatedly that I am overseas and that mail sent to an Australian address is not going to do much good. They have both my email (which works overseas) and my Singapore phone number; they could have contacted me prior to taking such action. Arseholes.

They aren't in this to keep customers, that's for sure.

On another subject; I have a friend that was going to pop in for a night as he passed through Singers on the way to somewhere else, but he won't be. He is now serving time in gaol in Australia for daring to voice provable facts on his website. Ones that caused 'emotional hurt' to some people. Obviously people that can't deal with the truth.

It is strange that when such things are done against White people any complaint is thrown out, but when done by a White person it becomes criminal. That is so racist.

But it serves as another example that Australia is not a free country. It is a mental dictatorship. This is one reason why I wanted to get out.

The Ministry of Manpower website says that employer or authorised third parties can void employment passes online, but doesn't mention the employee being able to, so I expect that I will have to take my passport in as I was intending anyhow. It does say that a thirty day temporary visa is issued on the cancellation. I expect that for an Australian passport it would probably be the standard 'non-visa' allowing a ninety day stay. Which should be ample either way, since I should only need a week or two to dispose of all of my acquired assets. Mostly give them to Ivy I guess, would give some to Jazreel but she is not here, she is still in Jahor.

There is so much that I want to do in life.
But after so many attempts that have been crushed I come to a point where I am wondering if there is any point in still trying. For example I wish to establish a business manufacturing communications security devices. I have gotten half way through the proto-typing and am experienced in designing and writing the software side of the project. And, indeed, have designed encryption algorythms specifically for this project. I did a business plan a few years ago for this project and got an outside expert to write the marketing plan as that was my weakness in my first business attempt.

However, this one stalled in Australia because employing people in Australia is such a pain. Especially in South Australia, it is just not worth it. But Singapore is a totally different story, and so as soon as I had built up some capital I was going to redo and update the prototypes, register a private company, and start by employing some polytech graduates to work a small electronics lab. The final business would possibly have employed up to forty or fifty people.

But the whole Singapore concept is now sinking rapidly. If I return to Australia where I could reasonably expect to re-enter contracting for a year or so then move back into private consulting once my network was rebuilt, I could, in theory, build up enough capital in a few years to return to Singapore and launch a business. Rather than follow the plan I used this time of just coming here and expecting to find work (since finding work was so easy where I came from).

But if I did build up some cash in hand, then should I attempt to build a new life again? Why not just give up on it all? I could buy a property way out in the country, install solar power/heating and wind generators, grow a vegie garden, and retire to spend my twilight years playing computer games and going for country walks. I am just feeling tired from it all. Tired and so disappointed. When I get to that point will I still feel like fighting? Will I still be willing to take on the world again? Or will I just want to give up and get out of it all?

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