Monday, September 8

Dinner Out

Radar, who has been helping me pack, had to go home yesterday so that he could attend an interview today. He will return in a day or two to keep helping, for which I am very grateful. So I had to take him home, on the way we dropped in to see my father for an hour or so, then down to the city to see my sister for an hour or so, and drop off some stuff for her, then out to the inner North-West suburbs to have dinner with a friend.

Said friend, Paul, has a new girlfriend, Cheng. Well, maybe not that new, she has a baby due in two months. But this was my first time meeting her as I haven't seen Paul for quite a while (txted, talked, and emailed, but not seen). She seems very sweet and personable, and Paul is very happy, totally besotted might be more accurate. She is Chinese, from Malaysia, and they want to move to Singapore in about a year and a half.

Small world.

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