Wednesday, April 8

A Change in the Air

For two nights my neighbour has been reasonably quiet.

She is somewhat noisy, but not excessively like she used to be, prior to midnight, but only far more gentle noise after midnight.

What happened?

Well the last noisy night I woke up an hour or so after her bedtime, which is 3, and moved my bed about a bit. That is, dragged it this way a bit, then that way a bit, then back again, then around again. Only for a few minutes, just to let her know what it felt like.

It was so unbelievably noisy!
I couldn't believe it. (Hence the unbelievableness of it...)
Maybe amplified by the stillness that generally prevails at that time of night.

The unstated threat was that if you keep me awake in my sleep time, then I shall retaliate and deny you your sleep.

I am guessing that she understood.

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